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Búsqueda por serie: Holden-Day series in mathematics
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The structure of Lie groups

G. Hochschild.

San Francisco : Holden-Day, 1965.

ix, 230 págs. ; 24 cm.

Serie: Holden-Day series in mathematics

Resumen: "Taken in its broad sense, Lie group theory involves all of the major branches of mathematics: algebra, analysis, topology, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. This book takes up the subject in the narrow sense, omitting differential geometry and algebraic geometry from the above list, and minimizing the analysis. It is addressed primarily to the student who wants to learn the basic techniques and results of Lie group theory quickly, without having to weave his way in and out of many books and papers."—Preface.

Bibliografía: p. 228.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 34 #7696

Registro 002336 · Modificado: 25/02/2013

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