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Búsqueda por serie: Textbooks in mathematical sciences
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Basic calculus : from Archimedes to Newton to its role in science

Alexander J. Hahn.

New York : Springer, ©1998.

xiv, 545 págs. : ilustraciones ; 26 cm.

Serie: Textbooks in mathematical sciences

ISBN: 0387946063

Incluye referencias bibliográficas.


  • Part I, From Archimedes to Newton: 1. The Greeks measure the universe
  • 2. Ptolemy and the dynamics of the universe
  • 3. Archimedes computes areas
  • 4. A new astronomy and a new geometry
  • 5. The calculus of Leibniz
  • 6. The calculus of Newton
  • 7. The Principia.
  • Part II, Calculus and the sciences: 8. Analysis of functions
  • 9. Connections with statics, dynamics, and optics
  • 10. Basic functions and their graphs
  • 11. The exponential function and the measurement of age and growth
  • 12. The calculus of economics
  • 13. Integral calculus: meaning and method
  • 14. Integral calculus and the action of forces.
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