Búsqueda por serie: ESource—the Prentice Hall engineering source.
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MATLAB for engineers

Holly Moore.

2nd ed.

New York : Prentice Hall, ©2009.

xiv, 610 págs. : ilustraciones, mapas ; 26 cm.

Serie: ESource

ISBN: 9780136044222 (ISBN-13), 0136044220

Incluye índice.


  • About matlab
  • Matlab environment
  • Built-in matlab functions
  • Manipulating matlab matrices
  • Plotting
  • User-defined functions
  • User-controlled input and output
  • Logical functions and control structures
  • Matrix algebra
  • Other kinds of arrays
  • Symbolic mathematics
  • Numerical techniques
  • Advanced graphics.
Registro eunm003490 · Modificado: 05/04/2011

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