Búsqueda por tema: Nomenclatura.
Mostrando 1-3 de 3 resultados, ordenados por
1. El género de los géneros : una guía para formar y coordinar nombres científicos en zoología / Néstor J. Cazzaniga. 2010
2. The plant-book : a portable dictionary of the vascular plants utilizing Kubitzki's The families and genera of vascular plants (1990-), Cronquist's An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981), and current botanical literature, arranged largely on the principles of editions 1-6 (1896/97-1931) of Willis's A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns / D. J. Mabberley. — 2nd ed., completely rev., with almost 2500 additional new entries. 1997
C 580.3
3. Code international de nomenclature zoologique / adopté par la XXe Assemblée générale de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Biologiques = International code of zoological nomenclature / adopted by the XX General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences; editorial committee, W. D. L. Ride ... [et al.]. — 3e éd. 1985
C 591.03

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