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Búsqueda por autor: Jetter, K.
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Birkhoff interpolation

G. G. Lorentz, K. Jetter, S. D. Riemenschneider.

Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1983.

lv, 237 págs. ; 25 cm.

Serie: Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; v. 19. Section, Interpolation and approximation

ISBN: 0201135183, 0521302390 (Cambridge Univ. Press)

Bibliografía: p. 220-231.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 84g:41002


  • Introduction: Approximation and interpolation in the last 20 years
  • 1. Basic definitions and properties
  • 2. Further elementary theorems
  • 3. Coalescence of rows
  • 4. Applications of coalescence
  • 5. Rolle extensions and independent sets of knots
  • 6. Singluar matrices
  • 7. Zeros of Birkhoff splines
  • 8. Almost-Hermitian matrices; special three-row matrices
  • 9. Applications
  • 10. Birkhoff quadrature formulas
  • 11. Interpolation at the roots of unity
  • 12. Turán's problem of (0,2) interpolation
  • 13. Birkhoff interpolation by splines
  • 14. Regularity theorems and self-dual problems.
Registro 003506 · Modificado: 06/07/2015

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