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Búsqueda por número de registro: 000153

The moduli space of curves

R. Dijkgraaf, C. Faber, G. van der Geer, editors.

Boston : Birkhäuser, ©1995.

xii, 563 págs. ; 25 cm.

Serie: Progress in mathematics ; v. 129

ISBN: 0817637842, 3764337842

Volumen publicado en ocasión de la conferencia realizada en Texel Island, Abril de 1994.

Includes bibliographical references.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 96g:14002


  • Lucia Caporaso, Distribution of rational points and Kodaira dimension of fiber products
  • Lucia Caporaso, Joe Harris [Joseph Daniel Harris] and Barry Mazur, How many rational points can a curve have?
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  • Torsten Ekedahl, Boundary behaviour of Hurwitz schemes
  • E. Getzler, Operads and moduli spaces of genus 0 Riemann surfaces
  • Victor Ginzburg [V. A. Ginzburg], Resolution of diagonals and moduli spaces
  • E. Izadi, The Chow ring of the moduli space of curves of genus 5
  • Takashi Kimura and Alexander A. Voronov, The cohomology of algebras over moduli spaces
  • Maxim Kontsevich [M. L. Kontsevich], Enumeration of rational curves via torus actions
  • Eduard Looijenga, Cellular decompositions of compactified moduli spaces of pointed curves
  • Yu. I. Manin, Generating functions in algebraic geometry and sums over trees
  • Hirosi Ooguri, Holomorphicity and non-holomorphicity in N=2 supersymmetric field theories
  • R. C. Penner, An arithmetic problem in surface geometry
  • Martin Pikaart, An orbifold partition of Mng
  • M. Pikaart and A. J. de Jong, Moduli of curves with non-abelian level structure
  • Kenji Ueno, Q-structure of conformal field theory with gauge symmetries
  • Don Zagier, On the cohomology of moduli spaces of rank two vector bundles over curves.
Registro 000153 · Modificado: 04/03/2013

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