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Búsqueda por número de registro: 001114

Representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras

Charles W. Curtis, Irving Reiner.

New York : Interscience, ©1962.

xiv, 685 págs. ; 24 cm.

Serie: Pure and applied mathematics ; v. 11


  • (I) Background from group theory; (II) Representations and modules; (III) Algebraic number theory; (IV) Semisimple rings and group algebras; (V) Group characters; (VI) Induced characters; (VII) Induced representations; (VIII) Non-semisimple rings; (IX) Frobenius algebras; (X) Splitting fields and separable algebras; (XI) Integral representations; (XII) Modular representations.
Registro 001114 · Modificado: 09/04/2013

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