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Búsqueda por número de registro: 001938

Poetica matematica

Solomon Marcus.

Bucuresti : Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1970.

400 págs., [1] h. pleg. : ilustraciones ; 22 cm.

Resumen en inglés; tabla de contenidos en rumano e inglés.

Incluye bibliografías e índice.


  • I. Preliminaries
  • II. Oppositions between the scientific language and the poetic language
  • III. A purely denotative language : the mathematical language
  • IV. The mathematical model of the opposition between the poetic language and the scientific language
  • V. The poetic figures
  • VI. Probabilistic and informational aspects of poetic language
  • VII. Comparative analysis of poetic texts
  • VIII. Mathematical methods in the study of the theatre.
Registro 001938 · Modificado: 18/03/2013

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