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Búsqueda por número de registro: 003064

The mathematics genealogy project

a service of the Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University.

Fargo, North Dakota : Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University, [1997]-

Modo de acceso: World Wide Web.

Título tomado de la página principal (vista el 21 de octubre de 2005).

"91505 records as of October 16th, 2005."

"Mirrors graciously provided by: Universität Bielefeld, OleMiss, AMS, IMPA."

Resumen: "It is our goal to list all individuals who have received a doctorate in mathematics. For each individual we plan to show the following: the complete name of the degree recipient, the name of the university which awarded the degree, the year in which the degree was awarded, the complete title of the dissertation, [and] the complete name(s) of the advisor(s)"—Mission statement.

Registro 003064 · Modificado: 01/07/2011

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