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Búsqueda por número de registro: 006491

K-theory and noncommutative geometry

Guillermo Cortiñas ... [et al.], editors.

Zürich : European Mathematical Society, ©2008.

xiv, 440 págs. ; 25 cm.

Serie: EMS series of congress reports

ISBN: 9783037190609

"Contains the proceedings of VASBI, the ICM2006 satellite on K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry which took place in Valladolid, Spain, from August 31 to September 6, 2006."—Preface.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 2010a:00008


  • Ralf Meyer, Categorical aspects of bivariant K-theory
  • Arthur Bartels, Siegfried Echterhoff and Wolfgang Lück, Inheritance of isomorphism conjectures under colimits
  • Heath Emerson and Ralf Meyer, Coarse and equivariant co-assembly maps
  • Fernando Muro and Andrew Tonks, On K1 of a Waldhausen category
  • Max Karoubi, Twisted K-theory, old and new
  • Christian Voigt, Equivariant cyclic homology for quantum groups
  • Paulo Carrillo Rouse, A Schwartz type algebra for the tangent groupoid
  • Joachim Cuntz, C*-algebras associated with the ax+b-semigroup over N
  • Wend Werner, On a class of Hilbert C*-manifolds
  • Ulrich Bunke, Thomas Schick, Markus Spitzweck and Andreas Thom, Duality for topological abelian group stacks and T-duality
  • Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest and Boris Tsygan, Deformations of gerbes on smooth manifolds
  • Grigory Garkusha [G. A. Garkusha] and Mike Prest, Torsion classes of finite type and spectra
  • Thomas Geisser, Parshin's conjecture revisited
  • Charles Weibel, Axioms for the norm residue isomorphism.
Registro 006491 · Modificado: 03/08/2016

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