Los utilitarios CISIS son un conjunto de aplicaciones (entre 25 y 30, según la versión y la plataforma), que permiten la manipulación a “bajo nivel” de bases de datos ISIS. Mediante estas herramientas, es posible realizar algunas de las tareas para las que se utiliza MicroIsis o Winisis (e.g., búsquedas, generación del archivo invertido, modificación de datos, exportación/importación de archivos ISO 2709), así como muchas otras que estos programas no contemplan.
El utilitario de uso más frecuente es mx
, debido a su variada funcionalidad. También se usan habitualmente:
, para ordenar archivos maestros,ifkeys
, para obtener un listado de términos del diccionario.mxf0
, para generar un informe sobre registros, campos y caracteres presentes en una base.Estos utilitarios fueron desarrollados por Bireme, y su distribución es gratuita. El código fuente permanece cerrado.
A julio de 2007, la última versión disponible es la 5.2, con las siguientes variantes:
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility CRUNCHIF Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] crunchif <dbn> <target_dbn> [<option> [...]] options: -ifp -> don't crunch .ifp file /ifp -> crunch .ifp file if needed tell=<n> -> tell <n> records processed target={linux|hpux|sun|alpha|vax|unisys|mpe|cdc|pc} default: linux
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility CRUNCHMF Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] crunchmf <dbn> <target_dbn> [<option> [...]] options: {from|to|loop|count|tell}=<n> target={pc|linux|hpux|sun|alpha|vax|unisys|mpe|cdc|same} default: linux format={isis|cisisX} default: isis mstxl={0|1|2|4} default: as <dbn>
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility CTLMFN Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] ctlmfn <dbn>
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility CTLMFN Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] ctlmfn <dbn>
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility ID2I Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] id2i <filein> [create[/app]=]<dbout> [option [option] ... ] options: {from/to/loop/count/offset/tell/id}=<n> The logical record of <filin> has the format: !ID mmmmmm !vXXX!...contents of tag XXX............. !vYYY!...contents of tag YYY............. ... where mmmmmm is the MFN to be loaded The contents of a tag may be split in 2 or more lines
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility IFKEYS Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] ifkeys <dbname> [from=<key>] [to=<key>] [+tags] <dbname> input inverted file from=<key> starting key to=<key> ending key +tags output tag information tell=<n> produce a message every each <n> keys Displays the dictionary terms preceeded by the total number of postings
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility IFLOAD Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] ifload <dbname> {<file_lk1>|void} {<file_lk2>|void} [<option> [...]] <dbname> -> output inverted file <file_lk1> -> sorted 10-byte link file <file_lk2> -> sorted 30-byte link file options: master=<name> -> alternate master file -reset -> keep IF update is pending -posts -> do not load .ifp -balan -> do not rebalance the dict tell=<n> -> tell <n> links has been loaded +fix[/m] -> read fixed link records
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility IFMERGE Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] ifmerge <out> <if1>[,n1] <if2>[,n2] [...] [<option> [...]] <out> -> output inverted file <if1>[,n1] -> input inverted file #1, maxmfn#1 <if2>[,n2] -> input inverted file #2, maxmfn#2 ... options: +mstxrf -> create <out> M/F and its mstxrf <out>.pft -posts -> do not load .ifp -balan -> do not rebalance the dict tell=<n> -> tell <n> keys has been loaded
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility MX Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] mx [cipar=<file>] [{mfrl|load}=<n>] [cgi={mx|<v2000_fmt>}] [in=<file>] {[db=]<db>| seq[/1m]=<file>| iso[={marc|<n>}]=<isofile> [isotag1=<tag>]| dict=<if>[,<keytag>[,<posttag>[/<postsperrec>]]] [k{1|2}=<key>]} options: from|to|loop|count|tell|btell=<n> text[/show]=<text> [bool=]{<bool_expr>|@<file>} [invx=<tag101_mf>] [tmpx=<tmp_mf>] gizmo=<gizmo_mf>[,<taglist>] [gizp[/h]=<out_mfx>] [decod=<mf>] join=<mf>[:<offset>][,<taglist>]=<mfn=_fmt> join=<db>[:<offset>][,<taglist>]=<upkey_fmt> [jmax=<n>] jchk=<if>[+<stwfile>]=<upkey_fmt> proc=[<proc_fmt>|@<file>] D{<tag>[/<occ>]|*} A<tag><delim><data><delim> H<tag> <length> <data> <TAG[ <stripmarklen>[ <minlen>]]><data></TAG> S[<tag>] R<mf>,<mfn> G<gizmo_mf>[,<taglist>] Gsplit[/clean]=<tag>[={<char>|words|letters|numbers|trigrams}] Gsplit=<tag>=6words[/if=<if>] Gload[/<tag>][/nonl][=<file>] Gmark[/<tag>]{/<elem>|/keys|/decs|/<mf>,<otag>[,<ctag>]}=<if> Gmarx[/<tag>]/<elem>[@<att>="x"] =<tag>[:&[<att>]|/c[=224]|/i] Gdump[/<tag>][/nonl][/xml][=<file>] =<mfn> X[append=]<mf> convert=ansi [uctab={<file>|ansi}] [actab={<file>|ansi}] fst[/h]={<fst>|@[<file>]} [stw=@[<file>]] [mono|mast|full] {create|copy|append|merge|updatf}=<out_mf> [out]iso[={marc|<n>}]=<out_isofile> [outisotag1=<tag>] fullinv[/dict][/m][/ansi]=<out_if> [-reset] ln{1|2}=<out_file> [+fix[/m]] fix=<out_file> tbin=<tag> tab[/lines:100000/width:100/tab:<tag>]=<tab_fmt> prolog|pft|epilog={<diplay_fmt>|@<file>} [lw={<n>|0}] {+|-}control|leader|xref|dir|fields|all [now] [mfrl]
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility MSRT Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] msrt <dbname> <keylen> <keyfmt> [-mfn] [tell=<n>] <dbname> master file to be sorted in place or <dbn>,<0> <keylen> sort key length <keyfmt> format specification to generate sort keys or tag=<n> -mfn keep the original MFNs +del delete duplicate tag=<n> keys tell=<n> produce a message to the stderr every each <n> keys
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility MXCP Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] mxcp {in=<file>|<dbin>} [create=]<dbout> [<option> [...]] options: {from|to|loop|count|tell|offset}=<n> gizmo=<dbgiz>[,tag_list>] undelete clean [mintag=1] [maxtag=9999] period=.[,<tag_list>] repeat=%[,<tag_list>] log=<filename> Ex: mxcp in create=out clean period=.,3 repeat=;,7 in = 3 « Field 3 occ 1. » 3 «Field 3 occ 2 . » 7 « Field 7/1;Field 7/2 ;Field 7/3.» out = 3 «Field 3 occ 1» 3 «Field 3 occ 2» 7 «Field 7/1» 7 «Field 7/2» 7 «Field 7/3.»
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility MXF0 Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] mxf0 <dbname> [create=]<dbnout> [<tnrecs>] [noedit] [tell=<n>] [total] <dbname> input master file <dbnout> output master file for results <tnrecs> expected number of input records (default=0) noedit suppress all leading spaces in the output data fields tell=<n> produce a message to the stderr every each <n> input records The following tags are output to <dbnout>: 1001: input master file name 1003: date & time stamp 1009: total number of records 1010: number of active records 1011: number of logically deleted records 1012: number of physically deleted records 1013: next MFN to be assigned 1020: ^tTAG ^dDOCS ^oOCCS ^lMINLEN ^uMAXLEN ^nDATA BYTES 1030: ^tall ^xCHRCODE ^nCHRFREQ Exit code is 0 if the total number of records is equal to <tnrecs>
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility MXTB Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] mxtb <dbn> [create=|append=]<dbnout> <key> [<key> ...] [<option> [...]] keys: keylen:key_fmtspec options: {from|to|loop|count|tell|btell}=<n> tab=<tab_val_fmt> mfnsum=<#levels> [{min|max}{avg|freq}=<n>] class=1000 bool=<expr> uctab={<file>|ansi} Ex: mxtb in out len1:fmt1 len2:fmt2 len3:fmt3 out = 1 key/key1_value (max len1 chars) 2 key/key2_value (max len2 chars) 3 key/key3_value (max len3 chars) 998 999999999 - key_frequency 999 key_frequency Ex: mxtb in out len:fmt tab=Vtag out = 1 key_value (max len chars) 998 999999999 - Vtag_subtotal 999 Vtag_subtotal
CISIS Interface v5.2b/PC32/M/32767/10/30/I - Utility RETAG Copyright (c)BIREME/PAHO 2006. [http://www.bireme.br/products/cisis] retag <dbname> {<retag.tab>|unlock} [<option> [...]] <dbname> master file to be retagged/unlocked <retag.tab> retag table options: {from|to|tell|shift}=<n> The retag table is a sequential file in the format: <tag> <new tag> (max 5461 entries) The table: 24 240 70 700 changes tag 24 to 240 and 70 to 700