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Changes for the German and Austrian conversion to MARC 21



The German and Austrian communities are converting to MARC 21 from a format that they have used for many years, Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken (MAB, Automated Library Exchange Format). This Proposal describes additions to MARC 21 that they need in order to support their existing data transfer activities. It is divided into 13 subparts.

07/13/2007 - Results of LC/LAC/BL review - Approved

  • 2007-06/1: Authority record control number subfield in the MARC 21 Bibliographic, Classification, and Community Information formats (Approved as amended. Subfield $0 will also be defined in fields 440 and 800-830. Repeatability of the subfield needs to be studied.)
  • 2007-06/2: Bibliographic record control number subfield in series entry fields in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved.)
  • 2007-06/3: Authority record control number in the 260 field of the MARC 21 Authority format (Approved.)
  • 2007-06/4: Normalization of numbers and names in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Not approved. A local subfield will be used for the normalization of numbers and names.)
  • 2007-06/5: Codes for multivolume monograph record levels in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved as amended. To facilitate use for non-book materials, the code value names will be made more generic.)
  • 2007-06/6: Nature of Contents for offprint in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved as amended. The description of value 2 will indicate that it also includes preprints and postprints.)
  • 2007-06/7: Subfield for cancelled National Bibliography Numbers in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved as amended. The specification, “The number content would have the same structure as in field 015$a” will not be included in the documentation.)
  • 2007-06/8: Define indicator for type for uncontrolled keywords in the MARC 21 Bibliographic, Classification, and Community Information formats (Approved as amended. Second indicator value 0 will be renamed “Topical term” and value 6 will be renamed “Genre/form term.” Examples showing the repetition of subfield $a in one 653 field will be added into the documentation.)
  • 2007-06/9: Field for replacement record information in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved.)
  • 2007-06/10: Define a replacement record control number subfield in MARC 21 Authority format (Approved. An example of a deleted LCSH term will be added to the documentation.)
  • 2007-06/11: Add a field for a geographic name added entry to the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Approved.)
  • 2007-06/12: Subfield for former call numbers in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Holdings formats (Approved. Subfield $d is defined as repeatable (omitted from proposal).)
  • 2007-06/13: Field for normalized dates and sequential designations in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (Option 1 approved as amended. Field 363 will contain the same number of enumeration and chronology levels as field 863 in the holdings format.)

La sección Background contiene detalles sobre las prácticas alemanas con respecto a registros para obras en varios volúmenes (Multivolume work record model) y al uso de números de control de registros para vincular registros bibliográficos con registros de autoridades (Use of record control numbers).

changes_for_the_german_and_austrian_conversion_to_marc_21.txt · Last modified: 12/05/2009 00:00 (external edit)